Takahiko Suzuki
簡歷年表 Biography
個展自述 Statement
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Artist Statement

“Globalization” is a word excessively used. In Japanese translation, this word refers globalism, which gave me ideas of a united world of equality when I first saw it and realized later it means the reverse. The Global- Store Project is to, through an ironic style, embody my first impression of the word “globalization”.

There are small shops in every town or city, their customers are people living in the same neighborhoods, on the contrary to the advertisements all over the world by multi-national hambergers or chained fried chickens, the only marketing of their business is nothing but a sigh board. So my project is to promote these small businesses globally.

2.5D photography
I take pictures of these stores with digital camera, each store needs 150 to 300 pictures of the details for computer editing and reassembling. I print out the images and manufacture a three dimensional model of each store, and because they are 3D models made by 2D photos, I call them 2.5D photography.

Then I take pictures of these 2.5D models again and edit them in computer to make posters. I add blue sky as their backdrop. These small stores under blue sky are marked with their locations of exact longitude and latitude for my Global-Store Project at http://global-store.info.

Human Billboard
I bring these posters to other cities or other countries and invite people to hold them for me. I take their pictures and add the information of the locations of my human billboards so there will be two sets of numbers, one set are the logitude and latitude of the store on the poster, another set are where the human billboard is at.


Copyright © IT PARK 2024. All rights reserved. Address: 41, 2fl YiTong St. TAIPEI, Taiwan Postal Code: 10486 Tel: 886-2-25077243 Fax: 886-2-2507-1149
Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang