Chen Hui-Chiao
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The Yod: Promised Land
text by Chen Hui-Chiao

The impact of socio-politics on art has long been known and in an age of globalization political unrest and economic shifts have changed the world of art. Moreover, the economic globalization criticisms of consumerism and the infatuation with commercial culture represent perhaps the greatest paradox in contemporary art. On the one hand, modern art is increasingly outspoken in its opposition to the way in which consumer culture erodes the human spirit and spirit. On the other, contemporary art is increasingly imprinted by commercial culture and political manipulation.[1] Moreover, the development of digital media and techno culture also tended to focus our attention on those objects directly in front of us and the material world.

However, this universalist, utilitarian and even excessively hypocritical way of viewing the world almost unavoidably completely eliminate “spiritual” and “sacred” meaning from every level of life in older society, as if this is how the world should be. This ensures we no longer sense the invisible spiritual world or spiritual power around us, despite the fact that it was once the single most important aspect of humanity’s world experience, with an undeniably powerful and close connection to life and the lives we lead.

Tree always in the center
Of all that surrounds it
Tree feasting upon
Heaven’s great dome

Tree that perhaps
Thinks innerly
Tree that dominates self
Slowly giving itself
The form that eliminates
Hazards of wind!

“Promised Land” makes use of three elements: the mystical symbol of the Yod, a swing, and the cosmos flower. It is a process of dream weaving, in pursuit of a full, well-rounded inner realization of the road to truth through the channel of creativity.

Flowers and medicine, flowers and nature, humanity and flowers – these relationships are far closer and more interdependent than most people imagine. Flowers always make us smile. The garden cosmos is a flower whose name evokes the whole universe: “Cosmos” comes from the Greek word “κόσμος” meaning order, harmony, the world, the universe.

The swing is a device used for play, based on back and forth movement derived from the internal force effect of potential energy and kinetic energy. I used it to construct the geometric symbols of the Yod, and it is the main support structure of the work, symbolizing the source of high-level power. If a conscious spirit can remember its spirituality and be truly aware, then the objective of the Yod is to give that person a special blessing.

In Hebrew, the word Yod means “The Finger of God” and is sometimes referred to as the “Hand of God” or “Finger of Destiny.” In astrology, it refers to an isosceles triangle, formed by two 150° aspects and one 60° aspect, which attracts the active vibration of planets and signs, much like the inductive mechanics of a dowsing rod, symbolizing creative energy. The gravitational process of this series of back and forth movements points to one objective, one place, an unknown journey – through these positive vibrations, a person can find their higher self. It is also a type of “do or die” scenario, with the apex being the critical factor in determining the outcome.

The deepest and most beautiful emotions we experience invariably bring with them a certain degree of mystery: “As above, so below. As within, so without.” The things that happen in life are things that we attract to ourselves. They rise up from the intents and purposes in our hearts. As Einstein said: “Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Put slightly differently, imagination is how we create our own reality and life landscape.

[1] See Contemporary Art: a Very Short Introduction by Julian Stallabrass, translated by Wang Tuan-ting, Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
[2] Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Poèmes français, translated from the French by Maria Jolas and originally excerpted in The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard (Boston: Beacon Press, 1964).
Cross through the magical mirror, and enter a new world!
Act 3: The Realm of Nature, “The Yod”
Curator: Jo Hsiao
Date: 2018/09/29 - 2018/12/02
Venue: TFAM Plaza
Copyright © IT PARK 2024. All rights reserved. Address: 41, 2fl YiTong St. TAIPEI, Taiwan Postal Code: 10486 Tel: 886-2-25077243 Fax: 886-2-2507-1149
Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang