Chen Hui-Chiao
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Is that you? Eros, passing by
text by Kuo Sin-Sin

“The Geometry of Passion”, “Wake Up the Dream,Do Not Kick the Dream Awake”, “You’re the Rose, I’m the Needle”…are these love? I do not think so. Hui-Chiao Chen, an artist, names her work to present the dualism of the gentle and the cold. The call of love is repeated day after day. "The Double Flame", "Then Sleep,My Love…”…the love you have named is also not love. Love is like sound or smell, the end of a gentle melancholy; love is also as desire and death, the exploration of eternal silence.

Next, for a new scenario: I show up at an IT Park for an appointment; the chaotic traffic could not interrupt my thought of the “love” issue. How should I tell you about the indescribable silent tears I had when I saw Chen’s work from the night before? At this moment, only the pungent smell of asphalt and the noise from the road construction could disturb your thoughts. Pursuing love is like building a new pat, a path we all share.

It is very risky to make a comment early on. In the beginning of love, there is one thing that I keep in mind, which requires me to look into the other’s emotions, into their heart, whilst looking at my own. Chen is fascinated by the relationship between visible and invisible in the horoscope, reincarnation, astrology, and in dreams. In the name of love, these images and energy exist independently whilst binding mutually. From the earlier "Silence" – the roses with thorns; “A Separate Reality” – the constrained light; “Smiles of the Skeptic” – the restricted soft cotton in the cold lines; “Here and Now” – as if entering a surreal dream. Chen, who started painting at 7, recalls her dedication to entering the art world. She then realize that painting and art are quite different. In artistic presentation, the ultimate beauty is the only requirement, which is a kind of spontaneity. For sure, the beauty sometimes would only appear in the memories; such as “Bubbles of Perception - In the end is the beginning”. Chen found love in her experience of art.

How to find the right words to express love? Chen has built up a double speech that contains the excessive pondering, caution and self-restraint. Moreover, a new form of language is generated in the ambiguous space between the trivial and the silent, within which the background of space-time changes continuously. The objective, though, remains unchanged – Love. “In my opinion, everything of the super-dangerous spirit is born in love. Love is its source; thus, I never want to walk out of this charming forest”, said the surrealist, Louis Aragon. Love is an emotional state of a fusion of magic and reality, which provides a genuine imagination and spiritual prosperity through the senses. This emotional journey is often in itself a metaphysical one.

Light, clouds, heat, flowers, calm, serene, cold, desire – there are all invasive elements. Placing in front of me is like an eternal existence. If this is the so-called “Natural Show of Love", then what do we call what is left over? "The Double Flame" and “The Geometry of Passion”, Chen’s recent works based on the names of books by the Mexican poet, Octavio Paz, express the frenzied love with the cold tone of the table tennis balls and backed painting of iron plates. The overlapped circles and straight lines are the texture of the fate and the symbols of a foggy memory. The decryption of love is like identifying the hidden message in the passwords of astrology. “Where is the position of love in such a world?” asked Octavio Paz. For Chen, “belief exists”, which is a strong attraction in the natural emotion of sexual gratification and love at first sight. In the process of creation, Chen repeatedly searches a dialectical way – she believes whenever she says it, love would emerge in a new appearance. Through the same calling and a long journey, the dialectical process gradually becomes clear. When the creator remembers his own emotional place, sometimes truth is not restored; instead, it is a way of elimination and relief. The objects of intellectuality and love are very similar. "Love and desire should not be revealed straightforward; instead, they need to be modified, and so do the creations and works. Yet, sexuality is a human instinct, just like desire; the action itself is a desire.” Chen’s passion of love is fierce and brave, just like the movie she has mentioned, “If Not Us, Who”.

We smoked while having eye contact in our conversation. Chen did not mention loneliness, but she soliloquized “Perhaps there is no sense of belonging”… At that moment, I saw the beauty that only belonged to women in her eyes. All the comments on her of being a tomboy and talking fast in the previous articles were all suddenly disappeared. Unconsciously I said to her, “You were so beautiful at that moment”. She then quickly resumed her confidence of fast speaking and said, “Yet I did not abandon the world”.

Cacao Vol.11, 2013.06
Eros in Greek mythology was the god of love,represents the desire and Passion.
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Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang