Chen Hui-Chiao
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The Sphere
text by Chen Hui-Chiao

If space is a straight line, then a sphere is an interval.
If space is a two dimensional plane, then a sphere is an expandable disk.

It is a planet that revolves on its own axis, a golden sun, a helix galaxy made up of thousands of star clusters and nebulae.
It is the boundary of an internal space that is both open and closed - whenever we establish such a line, whether it is within ourselves or with others, we create struggle and conflict on either side of the border, leading to collapse and reorganization.

How is one to take restless anxiety and transform it into cold emotion? This is an old commitment and understanding, a minimalistic, calm and unpretentious creative language. It is a readymade object, a fundamental aspect of geometry, a surface made of arcs and colors, something I call sphere movement.

(Statement for the Solo Exhibition at Apartment of Art, Munich 2014.09.13-10.12)

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Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang