Jian Tzu-Chieh
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How this island be possible?
text by Jian Tzu-Chieh

How this island be possible? is not a question. In the question of "how this island be possible;" nevertheless, has implied the presumption of "this island is already possible," while raising the issue further: where is the potentiality of how this island be possible? Chen Kaihuang's island could merely be a fiction lacking any reference. It could be you who have never been captured, me who have never been realized; it could be whosoever or even the Island that is opposed to the Mainland.

How this island be possible? is the solo exhibition of Chen Kaihuang in IT Park, featuring the documentation of his works from 1988 to 2004. How this island be possible? is not simply a retrospective to Chen, but we hope to offer an initial opportunity to exam Chen Kaihuang's artwork.

Selected Works from 1988 to 2004 by Chen Kaihuang:

Inter-Cultural Measurements, 1989-1991 Paris/ Taipei/ Pusan
Daily Life of 19,839 sec. 1994 Sindien
"About TCHENOGRAMME" document, 1994-1996 Taipei
Wind Tunnel- before us? 1998 SinChu
Circumference- Sea Route: Moon is Sun, 1998 waters around Taiwan island
Plants Turn Circles, 1999-2001 Tamsui
Do you recognize the town? 1999 Taipei; Oh! Where's the Deutschland? 2001 Hamburg/Kiel
Cloning Taiwan, 2001 Tamsui
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Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang