Apr. 12 1971 - Apr. 2 2011
1971 Born in Taipei Taiwan
1997-2000 University of Reading PhD Fine Art
1997-1995 Royal College of Art MA Fine Art
1995-1992 University of East London BA(Hons)Fine Art
1992-1991 Anglia College Foundation of Art
Solo Exhibitions
2012 Eslite Gallery, Taipei “Transgress and Reclaim: Yi-Chen HUNG, Selected Works 1994-2011”
Curator by Chia Chi Jason Wang
2010 VT Artsalon, Taipei “Transpose”
2009 IT Park, Taipei “Transcript”
2009 Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei “Subject‧Painting‧Object”
2008 NHCTC Artist Space, Hsinchu “Revivification-Representation”
2007 IT Park, Taipei “Reproduction-Representation”
2001 Non Zero Gallery﹐London
2000 Hockney Gallery﹐London
Selected Group Exhibitions
2010 Eslite Gallery, Taipei “Variations of Geometric Abstraction in Taiwan's Contemporary Art”
2009 Mountain Art, Beijing “La Puissance De La Femme”
2008 IT PARK, Taipei “SWEETIES: Celebrating 20 Years of IT Park”
2006 Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai “MoCA Shanghai Envisage”
2006 Huash Culture Park, Taipei “Exposicion Arte AHTIC-Imagen de Espana”
2006 Huash Culture Park, Taipei “Artists Art Fair”
2005 Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts﹐Taipei “2005 Kuandu Extravaganza”
2003 Non Zero Galleries﹐London “Group Exhibition”
2002 Battersea Park﹐London “Art Fair”
2001 Non Zero Gallery﹐London “Group Exhibition”
2000 Sophie Woolton﹐London “At Home II”
1999 Sophie Woolton﹐London “At Home I”
1998 Proud Gallery﹐London “From One Island to Another”
1998 Air Gallery﹐London “Award Winners”
1998 Ogilvy & Estill﹐Wales “Expressions”
1996 Mall Gallery﹐London “Making a Mark”
1996 Interzone Gallery﹐Berlin “Group Exhibition”
1994 Gill Gallery﹐London “Drawing”
Awards & Honors
1998 Natwest Prize Shortlist
1997 University of Reading Scholarship for PhD
1997 Foundation for Sport and the Arts Scholarships for MA
1996 Erasmus Exchange to Hochschule der Kunst﹐Berlin
1996 Cite International des Arts﹐Paris Studio Award
Public Collections
TI Group Plc
Royal College of Art
The University of Reading |