Liao Chien-Chung
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Artist Statement

In evolutionary biology, mimicry is a similarity of one organism, usually an animal, to another that has evolved because the resemblance is selectively favored by the behavior of a shared signal receiver that can respond to both.

Survival of the Fittest is a iron rule in the natural world. The strong ones are starving all the time and the weak ones take whatever means to survive. Among other things, mimicry is more passive and inactive than its opponents in a risky gambling. Natural world as a poker game, I bet you hold no pat hand!

For those antelopes, naively as I think, life is more thrilling and amusing when chased and hunted by lions actually (just recall how happily those small animals smile when they get rid of jaws and paws in the Animal Planet channel). For those herbivores, life cycle inscribed in themselves is more deliberate than natural selection. After all, it would be too troublesome for them to eat their own kind.

If those mimics are empowered, more ingenuously I think, would they consent to maintain status quo in whole life? Or, with the audacity they only have but simultaneously divulge their drawbacks in a trance, response: I shall not.

Willy-nilly, I can be sure to you that:
1. I’m not a biologist,
2. Nor the small animal to be hunted,
3. Just perform the poor dissemblance in reality.

There shall be no existence of “authentic” perfection; this is the land of two lights, where lies the audacity.


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