Larry Alan Shao
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個展自述 Statement
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Artist Statement

In Spanish language "Salsa" literally means "condiment" or "sauce", usually referring to the spicy sauce in Latin cuisines that is a combining of many ingredients. In the late 60s, Latin musicians in United States started to appropriate the term "Salsa" to describe the popular, complex, and polyrhythmic music and dance of that time that emerged from the immigrants of different Latin countries combining their musical forms into one style. Salsa music and culture has enchanted Larry Shao for years.

From the moment it was introduced to him, Salsa has played an increasingly important role in Shao's life. Not only was it a way to exercise and relieve pressure, the dance floor is where Shao practices to relate interpersonally, and it provides him opportunities to observe people behaviorally. Shao started a salsa dance career in 2008, which entails teaching weekly classes, choreographing dance routines, and performing on regular bases. What was once an extracurricular activity penetrated into every level of his life; it has become a source of income, a way of life, a tool for cultural exchange, and a source of inspiration for art making.

There are six projects utilizing salsa as a medium for social and cultural interventions in this exhibition, including "The Blurring of Salsa and Life" - eight interviews of people and their relationships with salsa dancing; "Esto Es Salsa" - a performance exploring food, rhythm, dance, and sex; "Salsa Lesson" - looking into the relationship of an artist and his subsidiary profession; "The World's First Nachata" - examining the culture similarities between Taiwan and Dominican Republic by making a hybrid song; "Salsa Lesson Plan" - an actual lesson plan teaching history, music, physical education, and visual art by using a salsa choreography; "La Salsa Nunca Se Acaba" - an installation emulating a never-ending salsa party.


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Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang