Lin Chun-Ju
簡歷年表 Biography
個展自述 Statement
相關評論 Other Criticism

Artist Statement

In the endless flow of time, we are but an insignificant existence no more beautiful than a pebble, hardier than a weed, or brighter than light. We are all ordinary people, powerless before eternity and unable to remain emotionless before objects that stir our soul. Ordinary beings such as us all desire a stage; whether in life or professional domains, endeavors to perform at one’s best are commonplace and persistent efforts to live an ideal can be found everywhere, as far as the eye can see.

My graphic creation attempts to retreat, entrust, and clear more empty space on the white stage. Some brush strokes reflect my tenacity while some brush strokes were made with my eyes closed, simply following the brush to create an entrusted effect.

Thank you for the insights that were born from observation. Thank you for granting me the need to enrich my soul through the creation of this work. Thank you for allowing me to realize my own insignificance through my life experiences.


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Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang