Yu-Chieh Li
簡歷年表 Biography
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相關專文 Essays
著作出版 Publications
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著作出版 Publications
“Gender and Performativity in Xing Danwen’s East Village,” Third Text 35, 3 (May 2021): 389-410.
“Rethinking/Relinking Colonial Ruptures: On Recent Works by Musquiqui Chihying and Hao Jingban,” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art Issue 21.1 (September 2021): 94-114.
“Survival Tactics within Cold War Ideologies: Post-Mao Artists on the Tides of Globalization,” in Visual Representations of the Cold War and Postcolonial Struggles: Art in East and Southeast Asia (Routledge, 2021): 175-195.
“Behind the Shutter: Disappearance and the Postcolonial Body in Early Sinophone Media Art,” in World Art 11, 2 (May 2021): 177-200.
Co-edited with Midori Yamamura, Visual Representations of the Cold War and Postcolonial Struggles: Art in East and Southeast Asia (Routledge, 2021).
“Two-Dimensional Installation Art: The Case of Xu Bing, Wenda Gu, and Yang Jiechang,” in Xu Bing: Beyond the Book from the Sky, 87-96 (Springer, 2020).
“Translating Happenings: Frog King Kwok's Abject Play,” Art in Translation, Volume 11 Issue 4 (2020): 417-400.
Co-edited with Sarah E. Fraser, Xu Bing: Beyond the Book from the Sky (Springer, 2020).
“Beatrice Glow: Rhunhattan [Tearoom],” Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas 3 (2017): 221-225.
学院以及社会中的艺术扩延: 从1968年德国的艺术学院改革谈起,《不周山:从高原到山城、海岛的行走报告》, 2021.
“He Yunchang: A Buddhist’s Approach to the Unspeakable,” Art Monthly Australasia (September 2019), 66-71.
從黑盒子到白盒子: 紐約現代美術館行為藝術的策展,收藏與空間規劃,《現代美術》 188 (March 2018): 6-22.
透明社會與現場:網路展覽的時代來臨了嗎?, 《國藝會線上誌》2 (2020)。
世界邊緣與緊急狀態, artforum.com.cn, March 2020.
“Jie (Boundaries): Contemporary Art from Taiwan,” Yishu 14, no. 2 (2015): 82-94.
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Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang