Lin Kun-Ying
簡歷年表 Biography
個展自述 Statement
相關評論 Other Criticism
相關專文 Essays
網站連結 link

1980/2/2 Born in Hualien, Taiwan. Resides in Taipei
2002 B.F.A. in Applied Arts, Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan
2003 B.F.A. in Music, Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 M.F.A. in Arts and Technology, Taipei National University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

Solo Exhibitions

2013 perfectly Strange, IT PARK gallery, Taipei.
2009 the Flowing Feast: Exhibition by Llunc Lin and Chih-Chien Chen, Galerie Grand Siècle, Taipei.
2006 Vanishing into Space (Music Box), ETAT Lab. Exhibition Space, Taipei

Selected Group Exhibitions

2016 Springs Eternal : Glenfiddich Artists in Residence - 12 Years from Taiwan, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei.
2016 Mark, CRANE GALLERY, Kaohsiung.
2015 Dreams‧Habitations, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung.
2015 Alice's Rabbit Hole,Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei.
2014 Bloom, Eslite Gallery, Taipei.
2014 Art for Oneself, TKG+ Gallery, Taipei.
2010 Time Unfrozen - From Liu Kuo-Sung to New Media Art, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei.
2010 double-blind trial, Eslite Gallery, Taipei.
2010 RESHAPING HISTORY Chinart from 2000 to 2009, CNCC, Beijing.
2010 Contemporary airy crafts from Japan to Taiwan,PROJECT FULFILL ART SPACE, Taipei.
2010 Dust: LuxuryLogico, IT PARK gallery, Taipei.
2009 Live by Play, Art Taipei 2009 Ela-Asia, Taipei.
2009 Germatrix, MOT Arts, Taipei.
2009 EASY PLASTIC , Kuan-Du Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei.
2008 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei.
2008 beyond the Realms of Rock, HK.
2008 The 3rd digital Art Festival Taipei 2008, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei.
2008 Horse Latitude, MOT Arts, Taipei
2008 Beyond a dial logue, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung.
2007 2006 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Taiwan-Australia New Media Arts Exhibition, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 Very Fun Park II , Marco Maison, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 Aura Spurt, Choun-Shen Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 2005 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 After Dark, Hua-Shan Cultural and Creative Industry Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2005 [O.K.] Video - Jakarta Video Festival, Djakarta Gallery National, Indonesia
2005 Taipei-Croquis, Graf media Café, Yokohama, Japan
2005 Mind Map, Café de Guliano, Taipei, Taiwan
2004 [Fantasy and Object] of Taiwan Advent-grade Document Ⅱ, Hau-Shan Cultural and creative Industry, Taipei, Taiwan
2004 Scene-Stealer, Nan-Hai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

Artist Residencies

2016 Artists at Glenfiddich 16, The Glenfiddich Distillery, Dufftown, Scotland


2008 Grand Prize, the 2008 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei, Taiwan
2007 The 3rd NCAF Techno Art Creation Project, National Culture and Arts Foundation
2006 First Selection, the 2006 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei, Taiwan
2005 First Selection, the 2005 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei, Taiwan
2005 S-An Arts Award, S-AN Cultural Foundation, Taiwan
2005 Grand Prize, Weather in My Brain Sound-Visual Art Festival, Taiwan
Copyright © IT PARK 2025. All rights reserved. Address: 41, 2fl YiTong St. TAIPEI, Taiwan Postal Code: 10486 Tel: 886-2-25077243 Fax: 886-2-2507-1149
Art Director / Chen Hui-Chiao Programer / Kej Jang, Boggy Jang